Auction Prices Realized Tcg Cards 2002 Yu-Gi-Oh! Lob-Legend Of Blue Eyes White Dragon Blue-Eyes White Dragon, 遊戯王 日本語版 15AX-JPY07 Blue-Eyes White Dragon 青眼の白龍 (ノーマル・パラレル) : ホビー,Auction Prices Realized Tcg Cards 2002 Yu-Gi-Oh! Lob-Legend Of Blue Eyes White Dragon Blue-Eyes White Dragon,遊戯王 LC01 [青眼の白龍伝説 Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon:1パック] - REALiZE トレカ&ホビー,遊戲王] 青眼亞白龍/ 青眼の亜白龍/ Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon