Hidarihisasaku・左久作– YAMASUKE KurashigeTools,Zisha utensils with age marks are of great reference value to us. Through EDXRF analysis, we can understand the Zisha clay materials commonly used at that time, and whether various chemical raw,MIWA Kyusetsu XIII (Kazuhiko) 十三代 三輪休雪(和彦), Container with Lid, “Shiroki-Chi-No-Shi” 白き地の詩 (Poetics of a white landscape), 2002 | Dai Ichi Arts | Japanese Modern Art,ZiSha Teapot - YiXing - Fully Handmade by Artists , Craftsmen , Truly Authentic with Identifiers Shown Fully To You / Certification : Fully-Handmade. 达摩三友,Zisha utensils with age marks are of great reference value to us. Through EDXRF analysis, we can understand the Zisha clay materials commonly used at that time, and whether various chemical raw